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Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Kenapa Kucing ="3

Penyakit Cacing Pada Kucing

Cacing merupakan endoparasit (parasit yang hidup dalam tubuh) yang sering menyerang kucing. Sebagian besar kucing yang terinfeksi tidak memperlihatkan gejala. Kucing banyak makan tetapi tetap kurus atau perut buncit merupakan salah satu gejala cacingan. Gejala lainnya bisa berupa adanya cacing berbentuk seperti lidi atau pita tipis berwarna putih pada kotoran atau muntah kucing.

Cacing dapat menyebabkan gangguan pencernaan, anemia, kekurangan gizi atau komplikasi lainnya. Anak kucing yang baru lahir dapat tertular cacing dari induknya. Anak kucing yang terserang cacingan dapat mengalami diare berkepanjangan, terhambat pertumbuhannya atau mati karena kekurangan cairan (dehidrasi) dan kekurangan gizi.

Sebagian besar cacing menular melalui telur yang biasanya terdapat pada kotoran kucing. Beberapa jenis cacing dapat menular melalui pinjal (kutu kucing) atau tikus.

Ada 2 jenis cacing yang sering menyerang kucing, yaitu cacing gelang (gilig) dan cacing pita. Sesuai dengan namanya cacing gelang berbentuk seperti batang berwarna putih atau krem dengan ekor dan kepala meruncing. Panjang cacing bervariasi mulai dari beberapa milimeter hingga puluhan centimeter.
Informasi lebih lengkap tentang cacing gelang
Cacing pita berbentuk seperti pita putih atau krem dengan diameter beberapa milimeter. Panjang cacing pita pada kucing bisa mencapai 70 cm.
Informasi lebih lengkap tentang cacing pita

Cacing-cacing di atas dapat merugikan kucing dengan cara menghisap nutrisi makanan yang terdapat di usus atau menggigit dinding usus dan menghisap darah yang terdapat di usus. Luka-luka akibat gigitan cacing dapat menyebabkan infeksi pada dinding usus. Beberapa jenis cacing hidup dan berkembang di pembuluh darah sehingga dapat menyebar ke seluruh tubuh dan menyebabkan gangguan pada jantung, otak, hati atau organ lain.

Penyebab muntah & mencret pada kucing

Apa yang dimaksud dengan feline panleucopenia ?
Penyakit ini disebut juga Feline Parvovirus, Feline Infectous Enteritis/FIE (radang usus menular). Panleucopenia adalah penyakit serius yang cukup berbahaya pada kucing. Penyakit ini diakibatkan oleh virus. Angka kematian berkisar 25 – 85 % pada kucing yang belum divaksinasi. Penyakit mudah menular ke kucing lain, tetapi tidak menular pada manusia dan anjing.

Bagaimana penyakit ini menular ?
Penyakit ini menular kontak langsung atau tidak langsung melalui air liur, air kencing,muntah dan melalui kotoran kucing yang terinfeksi. Selain itu anak kucing juga dapat tertular virus dari induknya, bila sang induk terserang virus ini pada saat bunting.

Virus panleucopenia dapat bertahan cukup lama di luar tubuh kucing. Sebagian besar desinfektan tidak mampu membunuh virus ini. Oleh karena itu penularan terbesar terjadi melalui kontak dengan kandang, lantai atau peralatan makan dan minum kucing yang tercemar virus dan tidak dibersihkan dengan desinfektan yang sesuai.

Virus masuk ke tubuh kucing biasanya melalui mulut, berkembang di kelenjar pertahanan di bagian mulut, lalu menyebar ke seluruh tubuh. Kemudian virus akan berkembang di beberapa organ seperti kelenjar pertahanan seluruh tubuh, sumsum tulang dan selaput lendir usus yang menyebabkan hancurnya usus.

Bagaimana tanda-tanda kucing terkena penyakit ini ?
Penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan anemia, muntah-muntah dan diare yang parah pada kucing. Kadang-kadang perkembangan penyakit sedemikian cepat sehingga anak kucing mati tiba-tiba sebelum pemiliknya sempat melihat tanda-tanda sakit. Setelah diare dan muntah, biasanya diikuti dengan hilangnya nafsu makan yang mengakibatkan dehidrasi dan kematian.

Apakah penyakit ini dapat diobati ?
Hingga saat ini belum ada obat yang dapat membunuh virus di dalam tubuh kucing. Kesembuhan kucing sangat tergantung kekebalan tubuh kucing tersebut. Obat yang diberikan hanya bertujuan mencegah infeksi lain yang disebabkan bakteri dan meningkatkan kondisi tubuh kucing. Perawatan intensif diperlukan agar kucing tetap makan dan memperoleh nutrisi yang cukup untuk melawan virus.

Bagaimana mencegah penyakit ini ?
Penyakit ini dapat dicegah dengan vaksinasi yang teratur. Anak kucing dapat divaksinasi pada umur 8-10 minggu. Agar kekebalan yang terbentuk lebih terjamin sebaiknya vaksinasi diulang 1 bulan kemudian. Setelah itu vaksinasi dianjurkan diulang setiap tahun. Untuk kucing dewasa atau berumur lebih dari 6 bulan yang belum pernah divaksinasi, vaksinasi bisa dilakukan tiap tahun.

Bagaimana akibat jangka panjang penyakit ini ?
Pada beberapa kasus, penyakit menyebabkan kerusakan usus yang sangat parah, sehingga kucing yang sembuh mengalami kesulitan untuk menyerap nutrisi makanan. Pada beberapa kasus lain kucing yang sembuh mengalami diare terus-menerus.

Kapan sebaiknya membawa kucing baru ke rumah ?
Anda baru saja kehilangan kucing yang mati akibat penyakit ini. Akan tiba saatnya anda menginginkan penggantinya. Virus panleucopenia dapat bertahan hingga 1 tahun di lingkungan. Akan lebih baik bila anda menunggu setidaknya 1 tahun sebelum membawa kucing baru ke rumah. Bila ingin lebih cepat, tunggulah setidaknya 1 bulan sambil membersihkan kandang, peralatan makan, daerah yang diduga tercemar virus, dll dengan desinfektan yang tepat. Lebih baik lagi membawa kucing dewasa yang sudah di vaksinasi.

Desinfektan jenis apa yang dapat membunuh virus ini ?
Sebagian besar desinfektan rumahan yang dijual bebas di supermarket tidak dapat membunuh virus ini. Carilah desinfektan khusus hewan di petshop-petshop atau tempat lain yang mengandung bahan aktif golongan formaldehida atau Chlorin.

Pemrograman Layanan Web


Web Servis Security adalah suatu konsep untuk mengamankan Web. OASIS telah mengembangkan standard untuk mengamankan pesan SOAP yang dikenal dengan nama WS-Security. WS-Security mendefinisikan suatu spesifikasi mengenai bagaimana mengamankan pesan SOAP secara end-to-end, dengan cara menyertakan (attach) digital signature, enkripsi dan security token pada bagian Header dari pesan SOAP.
WSS menyediakan 3 mekanisme untuk memproteksi pesan dari ancaman terhadap upaya gangguan keamanan pesan SOAP, yaitu (1)Kemampuan untuk mengirim security token sebagai bagian dari pesan SOAP, (2) Message integrity dan (3) Message confidentiality. Namun demikian, mekanisme tersebut tidak memberikan solusi keamanan yang lengkap untuk Web Service. Spesifikasi ini merupakan building block yang digunakan untuk mengakomoda- sikan berbagai variasi model keamanan dan teknologi kemanan. Dengan kata lain, WS-Security tidak menspesifikasikan suatu mekanisme keamanan baru, tetapi menyediakan fleksibilitas untuk menggunaan teknologi keamanan yang sudah ada (X.509, Karberos, XML Encryption), sehingga dapat mengakomodasi berbagai pendekatan keamanan secara umum. Hal baru yang ditambahkan oleh WS-Security adalah suatu spesifikasi untuk menerapkan mekanisme keamanan yang sudah ada (existing) tersebut kedalam pesan SOAP.

Secara umum ada 5 aspek keamanan dasar yang perlu diperhatikan dalam mengimplementasikan sistem berbasis Web pada umumnya termasuk dalam hal ini adalah aplikasi Web Service, yaitu : Authentication, Authorization, Confidentiality, Data Integrity dan Non-Repudiation. Disamping itu layanan aplikasi berbasis Web harus dapat memberikan konteks pengamanan secara end-to-end, dimana setiap transaksi harus dapat dijamin keamanannya mulai dari asal transaksi sampai dengan penyelesaian akhir transaksi sehingga dapat mempertahankan keamanan yang konsisten di semua tahapan pengolahan transaksi.

Otentikasi (Authentication) merupakan proses untuk mengidentifikasi Pengirim maupun penerima. Seperti halnya aplikasi berbasis Web lainnya, Service requester perlu di-otentikasi oleh service provider sebelum informasi dikirim. Sebaliknya, Service requester juga perlu meng-otentikasi Service provider. Otentikasi sangat penting dan crucial diterapkan untuk melakukan transaksi di Internet. Saat ini telah tersedia standard yang biasa digunakan untuk menerapkan mekanisme Otentikasi pada aplikasi berbasis Web pada umumnya, yaitu antara lain PKI, X.509 Certificate, Karberos, LDAP, dan Active Directory. Dalam kaitannya dengan Web Service, dokumen WSDL dapat dirusak melaluji serangan spoofing sedemikian hingga Service requester berkomunikasi bukan dengan Service privider sesungguhnya, melainkan dengan Spoofed Web Service. Oleh karena itu, dokumen WSDL perlu di-otentikasi untuk menjamin integritas data.

Otorisasi (authorization) menjamin bahwa requester yang telah berhasil melakukan otentikasi dapat meng-akses sumber daya yang ada sesuai dengan karakteristik akses (access control) yang disediakan. Aplikasi berbasis Web perlu melindungi data front-end maupun back-end dan sumber daya sistem lainnya dengan menerapkan mekanisme kontrol akses, sebagai contoh : apa yang dapat dilakukan oleh user/aplikasi, sumber daya apa yang dapat diakses, dan operasi apa yang dapat dilakukan terhadap data tersebut.

Confidentiality menjamin kerahasiaan (privacy) terhadap data/informasi yang dipertukarkan yaitu dengan melindungi data/informasi agar tidak mudah dibaca oleh entitas (orang atau aplikasi) yang tidak berhak. Standard yang biasa digunakan untuk menjaga kerahasiaan data yang dikirim adalah menggunakan teknologi Enkripsi, misalnya dengan metode Digital Signature. Service requester menandatangani dokumen yang dikirimkan dengan suatu private key, dan mengirimkannya bersamaan dengan body of message. Service provider kemudian dapat memverifikasi tandatangan tersebut dengan sender’s private key untuk melihat apakah ada bagian dari dokumen yang telah berubah. Dengan cara ini, sistem dapat menjamin integritas data ketika melakukan komunikasi satu sama lain.

Integritas Data
Integritas data menghendaki bahwa komunikasi antara client dan server dilindungi dari adanya kemungkinan untuk merubah data oleh user/aplikasi yang tidak memiliki hak untuk melakukan perubahan data. Dengan kata lain, Integritas Data menjamin bahwa data tidak berubah selama proses pengiriman data dari sumber ke tujuan. Standard yang biasa digunakan untuk mengamankan jalur komunuikasi berbasis Internet adalah Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TSL) dengan menggunakan protokol HTTPS. Seperti suda dijelaskan tersebut diatas, SSL/TSL memiliki konteks keamanan yang bersifat point-to-point antara Service requestor dan Service provider. Akan tetapi dalam banyak hal, service provider bukan tujuan final dari pesan yang dikirimkan. Service provider dapat bertindak sebagai Service requestor yang mengirimkan pesan ke berbagai Service provider lainnya. Untuk mengamankan mekanisme transaksi, dibutuhkan mekanisme keamanan dengan konteks end-to-end security, yaitu dengan menggunakan standard XML Encryption dengan cara meng-enkrip sebagian dari format pesan, dimana bagian payload dari pesan di-enkrip, sedang bagian Header digunakan untuk kebutuhan routing.

Non-repudiation menjamin bahwa masing-masing pihak yang terlibat dalam transaksi (client & service provider) tidak dapat menyangkal terjadinya transaksi yang telah dilakukan. Mekanisme ini dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknologi digital signature dan timestamping. Dengan teknologi digital signature, Sevice provider tidak hanya memberikan bukti bahwa telah terjadi transaksi, tetapi juga merekam tranksaksi pesan kedalam audit log yang telah ditandatangani pula. Sekali audit log telah ditandatangani, ia tidak dapat dimodifikasi (oleh Hacker) tanpa merubah tandatangan secara signifikan.

Salah satu kunci kesederhanaan Web Service adalah bahwa Web Service diimpelementasikan pada port 80 dan 443, sama seperti standard aplikasi berbasis Web lainnya. Keuntungannya adalah dapat menyerdehanakan komunikasi antara beberapa entitas, tetapi disisi lain memiliki kelemahan dengan membuka peluang munculnya gangguan keamananan yang kurang dimengerti sebelumnya. Untuk mengatasinya, biasanya digunakan Firewall yang dapat melakukan tugas seperti port monitoring dan mengenali adanya serangan yang bersifat brute force, akan tetapi Firewall tidak dapat melakukan tugas untuk melihat isi pesan sebagai upaya untuk Mendeteksi dan mencegah adanya gangguan keamanan yang yang lebih kompleks. Pada sisi lain, Firewall tidak dapat memberikan proteksi terhadap serangan yang berasal dari dalam (internal) perusahaan itu sendiri, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar berikut ini.
Firewall dapat mengenali pesan SOAP, tetapi menganggapnya hanya sebagai trafik normal biasa seperti trafik HTTP pada umumnya. Walaupun demikian Firewall juga dapat diatur (configure) untuk menolak atau mengijinkan trafik SOAP. SOAP interface merupakan perangkat lunak yang memiliki format Application Program Interface (API) dan dapat menjalankan berbagai macam fungsi. Misalnya, suatu aplikasi Web Service dapat terdiri dari ratusan atau ribuan operasi yang dapat dilakukan, semuanya melalui port 80. Semetara itu dokumen WSDL dan isi UDDI menyediakan informasi rinci yang memberi peluang untuk Hacker untuk melihat isinya karena karakteristik XML yang bersifat (self-describing) dan secara jelas menunjukkan elemen data. Beberapa jenis serangan yang mungkin terjadi terhadap aplikasi berbasis Web juga bisa terjadi pada aplikasi Web Service, yaitu antara lain adalah Denial of Service (DOS), Buffer Overflow, Reply Attack, dan DictionaryAttack.

Denial Of Service
Contoh serangan yang bersifat denial of service (DOS) ini misalnya pada kasus dimana suatu applikasi Web Service hanya mampu menerima transaksi persetujuan pinjaman uang sebanyak 5 permintaan sehari, tetapi suatu serangan DOS dapat terjadi jika ada 10 permintaan penjaman per jam yang dikirim untuk diproses oleh sistem. Serangan DOS biasanya akan menyebabkan kelumpuhan sistem karena kekurangan sumber daya untuk melayani request yang masuk akibat DOS, yang dapat berakibat berhentinya operasi sistem.

Buffer Overflow
Serangan buffer overflow pada Web Service terjadi jika ada parameter data yang dikirim lebih panjang dari pada yang bisa ditangani oleh sistem yang menyebabkan sistem mengalami crash, atau sistem menjalankan kode yang tidak dikehendaki (undesired code) yang dikirim oleh penyerang. Metode untuk melakukan ini biasanya dilakukan dengan cara mengirimkan password dengan jumlah karakter lebih panjang dari yang diharapkan. Serangan yang sama dengan buffer overflow adalah dikenal sebagai format string attack, yang berupa pengiriman string atau karakter yang tidak memiliki fungsi seperti tanda petik, tanda kurung, atau wildcard.

Reply Attack
Reply attck dilakukan dengan menyalin pesan yang valid kemudian mengirimkan ke Web Service server secara berulang-ulang, seperti halnya DOS. Untuk menangani serangan ini dapat menggunakan metode yang sama dalam menghadapi DOS. Dalam beberapa kasus, Reply attack lebih mudah diteksi oleh Web Service karena payload pesan dapat dengan mudah dibaca. Dengan bantuan tool yang tepat, pola serangan Reply attack dapat diteksi secara mudah walaupun jira serangan dikirimkan melalui berbagai medium seperti HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, atau melalui berbagai interface yang berbeda.

Dictionary Attack
Dictionary attack terjadi jika seorang hacker menyerang dengan cara mencoba memasukkan user ID dan Password untuk masuk ke sistem atau berbagai system secara manual atau otomatis (programmatically). Oleh karena itu seorang Administrator harus dapat meyakinkan bahwa password tidak mudah ditebak dan selalu diperbaruhui/dirubah secara periodik.

Web Service dapat diakses dengan mengirimkan pesan SOAP ke service endpoint yang diidentifikasikan dengan URI (Unified Reaources Identifier), untuk meminta aktivitas tertentu pada Web Service, dan kemudian menerima respon pesan SOAP (termasuk adanya indikasi adanya kesalahan, jika ada). Dalam konteks ini, tujuan pengamanan Web Service dibagi dalam beberap sub-goal yang menyediakan fasilitas untuk mengamankan integritas dan confidentiality pesan dan menjamin service hanya akan melakukan perkerjaannya sesuai dengan isi pesan yang merupakan ekspresi dari Claim yang dibutuhkan oleh suatu Policy.

Fungsi pengamanan terhadap integritas dan confidentialitity pesan dapat diterapkan menggunakan teknologi SSL/TSL maupun IPSec. Namun demikian SSL/TSL maupun IPSec hanya menyediakan konteks keamanan yang bersifat point-to-point. Model arsitektur Web Service yang komprehensif membutuhkan mekanisme keamanan dengan konteks end-to-end. Model ini menghendaki adanya pengamanan pada layer transport maupun aplikasi. IBM dan Microsoft mengusulkan suatu model arsitektur keamanan Web Service untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut diatas dengan suatu karakteristik sebagai berikut :
• Web Service menghendaki bahwa setiap pesan yang masuk dapat menunjukkan dirinya sebagai sekumpulan claim (misalnya: nama, key, permission, kapabilitas, dls). Jika suatu pesan datang tanpa memiliki claim yang dibutuhkan, maka Web Service dapat menolak atau menerima pesan tersebut. Sekumpulan claim dan informasi yang berkaitan dengannya disebut sebagai Policy.
• Suatu requester dapat mengirim pesan dengan menunjukkan bukti mengenai claim yang dibutuhkan Web Service dengan menyertakan Security token bersama dengan pesan tersebut. Jadi, pesan meminta tindakan tertentu kepada service dan membuktikan bahwa pengirim pesan memiliki claim yang meminta tindakan tersebut.
• Jika requester tidak memiliki claim yang dikehendaki,requester atau seseorang yang mengatasnamakannya dapat mencoba memperoleh claim yang diperlukan dengan mengkontak Web Service lain. Web Service ini, yang disebut sebagai Security Token Service, dapat menghendaki sekumpulan claim. Security token service bertindak sebagai perantara trust antara berbagai trust domain yang berbeda dengan menyertakan Security token.
Model tersebut diilustrasikan pada gambar dibawah ini, dimana setiap Requester dapat menjadi Security Token Service , dan Security Token Service dapat menjadi Web Service, yang mengekspresikan Policy dan menghendaki Security token. Model generik messaging tersebut, yaitu claim, policy dan security token, mendukung beberapa model yang lebih spesifik lainnya seperti halnya identitybased security, access-control list, dan capabilities-based security. Model ini juga mendukung teknologi yang ada saat ini seperti X.509 dan Karbero.

Spesifikasi Keamanan Web Service terdiri dari sekumpulan spesifikasi terpisah yang dikembangkan secara hirarkis dan berlapis diatas protokol SOAP. Masingmasing spesifikasi dikembangkan berdasarkan spesifikasi yang lain. Spesifikasi awal keamanan Web Service terdiri dari :
• Message Security Model
• Web Service Endpoint Policy
• Trust Model
• Privacy Model

IBM dan Microsoft memberi nama masing-masing spesifikasi tersebut adalah WS-Security (untuk message security model), WS-Policy (untuk Web Service endpoint policy), WS-Trust (untuk Trust model) dan WS-Privacy (untuk Privacy model). Secara bersama spefikasi awal tersebut menyediakan landasan untuk menetapkan keamanan yang interoperable antar trust domain.

Berdasarkan spesifikasi awal tersebut, kemudian dapat dikembangkan spesifikasi berikutnya yaitu secure conversation (WS-SecureConversation), federated trust (WS-Federation), dan otorisasi (WS-Authorization). Kombinasi spesifikasi keamanan tersebut memungkinkan adanya banyak skenario yang akan sulit diimplementasikan jika menggunakan mekanisme keamanan dasar yang ada saat ini. Secara ringkas, spesifikasi keamanan dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut :
Spesifikasi Awal
• WS-Security : Menjelaskan bagaimana menerapkan XML signature dan XML Encryption pada Header pesan SOAP, serta bagaimana menyertakan security token, termasuk X.509, Karbero dan User Name/Password kedalam pesan SOAP.
• WS-Policy : menjelaskan kemampuan dan kendala dari security polici pada level intermediate maupun end-point.
• WS-Trust : menjelaskan bagaimana framework trustu relationship antar entitas bisnis
• WS-Privacy : menjelaskan suatu model bagaimana Web Service dan requester menyatakan privasi subyek yang diinginkan dan privasi organisasi.
Spesifikasi berikutnya
• WS-SecureConversation : menjelaskan bagaimana mengelola dan memelakukan otentikasi pertukaran pesan
• WS-Federation : menjelaskan bagaimana mengintegrasikan berbagai mekanisme manajemen identitas
• WS-Authorization : menjelaskan bagaimana data otorisasi dan authorization policy.

Kerentanan yang ada pada Web Service yang berbasis XML menjadi pertimbangan utama yang mempengaruhui keragu-raguan para pengguna untuk mengimplementasikan Web Service. Oleh Karena itu diperlukan standard teknologi keamananan Web Service untuk mendukung keamanan penerapan Web Service secara luas. Walaupun demikian, standard yang ada saat ini seperti LDAP, PKI, SSL/TSL tetap memegang peranan penting untuk mengamankan Web Service dalam konteks point-to-point.
Pada saat ini ada 2 lembaga yang menjadi referensi dalam penetapan standard keamanan XML Web Service yaitu W3C dan OASIS. Tabel berikut ini menunjukkan beberapa standard keamanan XML Web Service yang telah dan sedang ditetapkan oleh kedua organisasi tersebut di bawah ini :

Standard Standard Body Status Deskripsi
XML Digital Signature
(XDSIG) W3C Completed Protokol untuk menandai isi dokumen digital.
Memberikan aspek integritas data, dan non-repudiation
XML Encryption
(XENC) W3C Completed Protokol untuk mengengkripsi dan dekripsi isi
dokumen digital.
XML Key Management
(XKMS) W3C Working
Draft Protokol untuk mendistribusikan dan me-registrasi public key
Security Assertion Markup
Standard Menyediakan kerangka XML untuk Web Service yang mendukung pertukaran otentikasi dan otorisasi informasi antara partner bisnis
Extensible Access Control
Markup Language
Standard Spesifikasi XML untuk mengekspresikan Policy
tentang akses informasi melalui Internet.
WS-Security OASIS Working
Draft Sekumpulan standard untuk mengamankan pesan SOAP pada aspek integrity dan onfidential- lity
Standard WS-Security yang menjadi referensi penting bagi penerapan XML Web Service, dengan pertimbangan sebagai berikut :
• WS-Security akan menjadi referensi standard keamanan Web Service oleh berbagai pihak (user, vendor, organisasi lainnya).
• WS-Security tidak menspesifikasikan standard keamanan tertentu yang berbeda, tetapi memanfaatkan berbagai standard keamanan lain, seperti X.509, Karberos, XML Digital Signature, XML Encryption, SAML, XKMS, dls.
• WS-Security independent terhadap teknologi keamanan pada layer transport. Standard keamanan pada level transport seperti SSL/TLS, Karberos, X.509, LDAP, dls.
• WS-Security merupakan implementasi dari model arsitektur keamanan Web Service
Mekanisme WS-Security dapat diterapkan untuk mengatasi berbagai isu keamanan. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh skenario untuk
mendukung implementasi WS-Security berdasarkan usulan oleh IBM dan Microsoft dalam dokumen ‘WS-Security AppNotes’ (15 Agustus 2002), yaitu :
a. Direct Trust using User Name/Password
Server dimana Web Service berada menggunakan pasangan public key untuk menjamin keamanan kanal antara server dan client melalui koneksi HTTP dengan menggunakan SSL/TSL. Requester membuka koneksi ke Web Service dengan menggunakan transport-level security (SSL/TSL), dimana Requester mengirimkan pesan permintaan dengan menyertakan security token yang berisi user name dan password. Sementara Web Service meng-otentikasi informasi yang terdapat dalam pesan, memproses request dan merespon hasilnya. Dalam skenario ini integritas dan kerahasiaan pesan ditangani dengan menggunakan mekanisme keamanan berbasis transport-layer.
b. Direct Trust using Security Token
Skenario ini mengilustrasikan penggunaan security token yang secara langsung dipercaya valid (trusted) oleh Web Service. Dalam hal ini, direct trust berarti bahwa security token dikenal dan diverifikasi oleh Web Service. Skenario ini menganggap bahwa Requester dan Web Service telah menggunakan beberapa mekanisme untuk menetapkan trust relationship dalam menggunakan security token. Dengan kata lain, kedua belah pihak memahami dengan baik policy untuk privacy masing-masing. Requester mengirim pesan ke Web Service dengan dengan menyertakan security token, dan memberikan proof-of-possession (public/private key) terhadap security token menggunakan digital signature. Service melakukan verifikasi terhadap public/private key dan mengevaluasi security token, memproses permintaan dan mengembalikan hasil pemrosesannya.
c. Security Token Acquisition
Dalam skenario ini, security token tidak terdapat dalam pesan SOAP, melainkan menggunakan mekanisme security token reference untuk mencari dan mengambil token. Requester mengirim pesan ke service dengan menyebutkan referensi terhadap keberadaan security token, dan menyediakan proof-of-possession dalam bentuk XML Signature. Web Service menggunakan informasi yang ada pada security token reference untuk memperoleh security token dari security token service dan memvalidasi private/public key (proof). Web Service menerima (trusted) security token, sehingga request diproses dan dikembalikan hasilnya ke requester.
d. Firewall Processing
Firewall melakukan evaluasi terhadap pesan SOAP yang datang, dan hanya mengijinkan pesan yang berasal dari requester yang telah diotorisasi untuk melewati Firewall. Dalam skenario ini, Firewall membuat keputusan dengan mengevaluasi security token yang digunakan untuk menandatangani pesan. Dalam skenario yang lain, Firewall dapat juga bertindak sebagai security token yang meminta otoritas dan hanya mengijinkan pesan yang memiliki proof-ofpossession (private/public key) terhadap security token yang diminta oleh Firewall.
e. Issued Security Token
Skenario ini hampir sama dengan Security Token Acquisition, kecuali bahwa security token dikirim ke Requester dari Security Token Service , kemudian pesan permintaan dikirim ke Web Service dengan menyertakan security token tersebut menggunakan elemen . Security token dapat berupa X.509 atau Karberos. Sekali security token dikirim oleh Secuirty token service, security token tersebut dapat digunakan beberapa kali oleh, misalnya untuk Web Service yang berbeda jika token yang dikirim mengijinkan hal tersebut.

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Mr. Fish will be always in my Aquarium =")

01 Donghae left a message for Eunhyuk that says “Hyukjae, I love you~”
Eunhyuk replies “Stop harbouring such a one-sided love.”  (aku sih pasti reply dia balik ngga brenti", kayaknya jebol deh pulsaku ...)

02 Before the bungee-jump, Eunhyuk screamed “Let’s break up, Donghae!”
Donghae replied, “Come down, I’ll hit you!” (kalo aku nyank dateng pasti dipeluk yahh ... hhe)

03 Someone mentioned “I didn’t manage to sleep because of the mosquito. Hyung, teach that mosquito a lesson.”
Donghae replied, “Give me that mosquito’s full name and address, I’ll teach him a lesson.” (wow... lucunya.. ajari aku cinta, sayank!)

04 Believes he, himself, is the most popular member among SJ. (shinjiru yo, cintaku!)

05 He likes a particular sort of hat so much that regardless of whether he sleeps, washes his face or brushes his teeth, he’ll always wear it, believing that his hair and his hat should always be together. (manisnyaaa ... >___<)

06 On his birthday, Donghae gave his two bestfriends presents, he gave Qie zi a pair of pants but the measurements were wrong, hence Donghae told Qie zi, “Hyung, you may not be able to fit into the pants, exchange it with someone else then~” (hiihii ... dassal cinta)

07 When it was time for Donghae to do the dishes, he’ll say “Hyung, let’s play a game(to decide who does the dishes).” In the end, Hangeng loses and he cried pitifully, “I was also the one who cooked the meals!” (Ah, aku tau ini, pasti pas lagi Fullhouse deh, hhee)

08 In a kitchen where 10 people shares, Donghae sticks his own photographs everywhere, yet he never does the cooking. (iya, pas lagi gitu dia lagi nyari perhatian aku sih, hihihi)

09 In his younger days, Donghae would press the doorbell of his neighbours everyday after school, and then run off, until one day he was caught and got beaten up. (jailnya my oppa..)

10 In his younger days, everytime the kids plays a game, whoever is placed in the same group as Donghae would definitely lose. (wah! belon kenalan ama aku sih. cob kalu ada aku, pasti tambah dimusuhin ajah deh kita, hahaha)

* I believe it refers to Eunhyuk, partly because of the strong Eunhae bond but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. I’m not too familiar with the various nicknames the Chinese ELFs give the boys. 
* I did some research and I believe ??(meaning “Eggplant”) refers to Kangin, while ??(meaning “Mother Teuk”) refers to Leeteuk. Once again, feel free to correct me. ><

11 When he was in primary school, he was the school’s tallest student, nicknamed “Lee Tall Person”, but after primary school he never grew(in height) anymore, yet his dream girl’s height was 167cm.

12 When Donghae was 21 years old, he was already thinking being being a father and he said he’ll name his children “Lee Tian Kong” (Lee Sky), “Lee Hai Yang” (Lee Ocean), “Lee Yun Duo” (Lee Cloud)…

13 Donghae liked to store his money in a bucket (sort of like use it as a piggy bank)

14 When the MC asks “How do you two address your loved ones?”
Kangin said “??” (read “Baobei”, meaning “Darling”)
Donghae then blurted out, “Hyung calls all the girls ‘Baobei’.”
Then the MC asks “What about you, Donghae?”
Donghae replied “???” (read “Hai Ta Ma”, sorry but I don’t know what it means)
Kangin then said “Donghae’s dog is also called ?(Hai)”

15 After he bought Bada home, he got another dog called ??? (read “Jiu Wei Hu”, meaning “Nine-tailed fox”), people thought it was because he liked watching Naruto, yet our Donghae said “His sirname is ?(read ‘Jiu’, meaning ‘Nine’).”

16 Ryeowook had said once that he’ll always cook for his hyungs anytime.
Thus, Donghae came back at midnight after his SM training, and he woke up the sleeping Ryeowook and said “Wake up and cook for me.”
Ryeowook got upset and said “Hyung, why are you like that? I’m already sleeping, I’m not cooking.”
Donghae with innocent expression, “Why not? You said you’ll cook anytime, so I woke you up, didn’t you say that before? Well then, I won’t wake you up anymore in the future.”
Ryeowook then said, “Alright, I’ll cook for Hyung.”

17 On a particular day, Donghae rung a particular member up and said “I forgot to bring my cell phone, I’m going up to get it.”

18 Lee Donghae likes Song Hye Kyo a lot, he’ll watch her dramas repeatedly on television and if the Princess (Heechul) wanted to switch channels, he’ll shout “Hey! Kim Heechul!”, and switch the channel back.

19 Lee Donghae said that if he had a girl whom he liked, he’ll definitely go forward to confess his love “If possible, let’s do according to what I’ve said, if you think it’s a burden, I’ll stay away.”

20 When Donghae was about to take a high school examination, Princess (Heechul) got up early to cook eggs for him (for breakfast)

21 Little 13 (Kyuhyun) said “I feel honoured to know Donghae Hyung, but when I’m with him, I feel like I’m more like the hyung.”

22 When Kibum came back to Korea, Donghae was the first one to hug him

23 In his younger days, Donghae would be at the balcony, throwing coins at the cars downstairs

24 When Donghae sits for too long, he’ll unknowingly use his arm to hug his right leg

25 Lee Donghae likes kids a lot and when he sees any, he’ll want to protect them

26 “Aiden” is an English name Donghae gave himself

27 He really hates the color pink, because Rabbit (Sungmin) who lives with him, loves pink a lot and he just couldn’t stand it.
However since Rabbit’s the Hyung, he can’t do anything.
Donghae said, “I really can’t stand it, he’s so old already yet he still acts cute, always aegyo with his mother(on the phone?) and it wakes me up.”
The MC asks, “Then, didn’t you say anything?”
Donghae replies, “He’s the Hyung so I can’t do anything, I just got up and left the room.”
The MC then asks, “What if he’s the dongsaeng? Would you kick him?”
Donghae replies, “Huh? I still won’t kick him.”

28 Donghae is afraid to be alone, when he eats, he needs someone to accompany him, or else he refuses to eat. (yoyoi banget, dia tuh paling seneng bagi" makanannya ama aku, disuapin gitu dh,, hha ELF marah nih denger gue bikin fatwa sendiri)

29 He doesn’t understand why when he autographs for someone, that person will thank him, he feels he should be the one thanking, thanks to all who loves SJ.

30 He thinks “Donghae” isn’t his name, yet he still writes his name as “Donghae”.  (^-^ my suit loph East Sea)

My Lovely fishy ... kapan yahh kita ketemuuu ..??

Super Junior News \^0^/ !!!

Super Junior (Korean: 슈퍼주니어), often referred to as SJ or SuJu (슈주), is a boy group from South Korea formed by SM Entertainment in 2005. With a total of 13 members, they are one of the largest boy bands in the world. The group consists of Leeteuk, Heechul, Han Geng, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum and Kyuhyun. The only Chinese member, Han Geng, was chosen from three thousand applicants via auditions held in China by SM Entertainment in 2001. As of 2010, only 10 members are active, due to Han Geng leaving SM Entertainment, Kangin's leave of absence for mandatory military service and Kibum's pursuit of an acting career. However, the remaining members have insisted that they are still part of the group.

Super Junior has released and contributed in 20 different kinds of records with varying degrees of success. Over the years, they have been divided into smaller sub groups, simultaneously targeting different music industries and audiences. Largely due to Super Junior's success as entertainers, other Korean entertainment managements began to train their music groups in other areas of entertainment, such as acting and hosting. In addition to their commercial success, Super Junior has earned seven music awards from the M.net Asian Music Awards, eleven from the Golden Disk Awards, and is the second singing group to win Favorite Artist Korea at the 2008 MTV Asia Awards after JTL in 2003.

In 2001, the company held their first overseas casting auditions and discovered Han Geng in Beijing, who was chosen among three thousand applicants. That same year, Yesung was discovered under Seoul's casting system. Sungmin and Donghae became trainee after jointly winning the first place in Best Outward Appearance in an SM-sponsored contest. In 2002, Heechul and Kangin were recruited along with Kibum, who was discovered in Los Angeles. Siwon was recruited in 2003 and Ryeowook in 2004, in which the later was discovered through the Chin Chin Youth Festival singing competition. In 2005, Shindong was selected. The last member, Cho Kyuhyun,was then discovered after he won third place at the Chin Chin Singing Competition in 2005.

Not long after boy band TVXQ's debut in 2003, news about Lee's unprecedented plans of forming another boy band quickly spread on the Internet. In early 2005, Lee confirmed the news and announced that an all-boy project group of twelve members would debut near the end of the year, promoting this singing group to be "The Gateway to Stardom of Asia." Lee announced that that most members in this group were chosen because of their performing experiences as actors, MCs, models, and radio hosts prior debut. Heechul and Kibum were already established entertainers, and most of the other members had already made various kinds of appearances on television and media.[9][10][11] Highly inspired by the rotational concept of Japan's girl group Morning Musume, this group would also experience line-up changes, with new members replacing some selected members every year to keep the group constantly young and all-rounded. This concept was then newly introduced to the K-pop market.

For a while the group was rumored to be called O.V.E.R, the acronym for "Obey the Voice for Each Rhythm." However, before the group settled with their current name, SM simply referred to them as Junior, a representation of the members' young ages when they first became SM trainees. After the members' showcased their different talents to the company at a picnic, the company finalized their concept name to Super Junior. The group thereafter became officially Super Junior 05, the first generation of Super Junior.

Super Junior 05 made their pre-debut on the Korean channel Mnet on September 11, 2005. At the showcase, they performed various styles of hip hop dancing. The group danced to B2K's "Take It To The Floor." Han Geng, Eunhyuk, and Donghae also performed a separate dance away from the group, dancing to Usher's "Caught Up." However, the performance did not air on television until May 16, 2006 as a segment in the Super Junior Show, the group's first television documentary.
2005–2006: The Super Junior project
Main article: SuperJunior05 (Twins)

Super Junior 05 debuted on SBS's music program Popular Song on November 6, 2005, performing their first single, "TWINS (Knock Out)." A digital single with "TWINS (Knock Out)", "You are the one", and three additional tracks were released online on November 8. A physical CD single was scheduled to be released the following week but a more complete album, SuperJunior05 (TWINS), was released on December 6, 2005 instead. Their debut album sold 28,536 copies in the first month of release and debuted at #3 in the monthly chart of December 2005. In that same month, they released "Show Me Your Love," a collaboration single with TVXQ. "Show Me Your Love" became the best-selling record of December 2005, selling 49,945 copies that month.

In February 2006, Super Junior 05 began performances for "Miracle", the second promotional single from their debut album. "Miracle" was the group's first single to peak #1 in online music charts of South Korea as well as the music charts of Thailand, drawing interest from international markets. As promotions for "Miracle" came to an end, SM Entertainment began selecting new members for Super Junior's second line-up project, Super Junior 06. The company even prepared a list of chosen members that were to graduate from the group. However, no members were taken out and a thirteenth member was added instead in May 2006. The line-up project has been abandoned since then, and the group became known as just Super Junior, without the suffix "05".
2006–2007: Don't Don and breakthrough success
Main article: Don't Don

On May 23, 2006, SM Entertainment revealed the thirteenth member Kyuhyun, who was discovered through a singing competition in 2005. They released their single "U" online for free download on May 25, 2006 in their official website. "U" had over 400,000 downloads within five hours of release and it ultimately exceeded 1.7 million downloads, crashing the server. The physical single of "U" with a total of three tracks was released on June 6, 2006, eventually selling over 81,000 units. The single became one of Korea's most popular songs of the year, yielding #1 spots for five consecutive weeks on two of Korea's top music programs. By the end of the year, Super Junior collected over seven awards in five of South Korea's top music award ceremonies, winning the title as Best New Group of 2006.

Super Junior's first sub-unit, the ballad-singing trio Super Junior-K.R.Y., debuted on November 5, 2006 with a performance of Hyena theme song "The One I Love" on KBS music program Music Bank. A second sub-unit arrived in February 2007 called Super Junior-T. The trot-singing group released their first single "Rokkugo" in February 23, 2007 and made a debut performance on Popular Songs two days later.

Super Junior's second official album was intended for a late 2006 release, but due to several accidental setbacks, Don't Don was not released until September 20, 2007. Within the first three days of release, offline album sales for Don't Don passed the 11,000 unit mark, debuting as #1 in all available offline charts. It finished the September monthly album sales as #1. 60,000 units were shipped by the first week of release and additional copies were printed. Although Don't Don received rather bland reviews from critics, the album sold more than 160,000 copies by the end of the year, becoming the second best-selling record of 2007. The album also found success in Taiwan; it broke the record for being the highest ranked Korean album on the G-music Combo Billboard Chart, surpassing the albums of TVXQ and Shinhwa. Super Junior's album also ranked above Taiwanese boy band K One, whose album debuted at #6.

Supported by the release of Don't Don, Super Junior was nominated in seven separate categories at the 2007 M.NET/KM Music Festival that was held on November 17, 2007. Super Junior won three of those categories including "Netizen Choice Award" and "Mobile Popularity", being the biggest winner of the night. The group also won "Best Artist of the Year" (Daesang), termed by many as the highest recognition of the ceremony. Super Junior collected two more awards on December 14, 2007 at the 2007 Golden Disk Awards. Although defeated by SG Wannabe in winning the "Daesang", Super Junior won a "Bonsang" and the "TPL Anycall Popularity Award", which were reported as expected wins for the group by the media after the success of Don't Don.
[edit] 2008–2009: Beyond Korea and Sorry, Sorry
Main article: Sorry, Sorry

On October 2, 2007, SM Entertainment announced a third Super Junior sub-unit Super Junior-M, a subgroup designated for the Chinese market. While the creation of the subgroup created a brief controversy between the fans and the management, Super Junior-M became a phenomenal success in China, having the opportunity to have two sold-out concerts in Hong Kong, top weekly ratings with their appearance on variety programs, and becoming the idol group with the most endorsement contracts in China. With the absence of almost half of the members in Korea, a fourth Super Junior sub-unit was created that same year to prevent Super Junior from disappearing in the Korean music industry. With five members from Super Junior-T and Yesung, they formed the subgroup, Super Junior-Happy. Super Junior-Happy released the EP Cooking? Cooking! on June 5, 2008, and promotions ended on September 7, lasting for four months. In November 2008, Super Junior-T returned, this time as a singing group in Japan, called SuperJunior-TxMoeyan; this group added Moeyan, a famous two-woman comedy group in Japan. "ROCK&GO", a Japanese-language version of "Rokuko", debuted at #19 on the Oricon Daily Charts and jumped to #2 three days later.

Super Junior's first major tour, Super Show, commenced on February 22, 2008 in Seoul.[41][42][43][f] The tour covered three countries and had shows on six different cities, including Bangkok, Shanghai, and Beijing. From July 8 to July 9, 2008, Super Junior held their first fan meeting in Japan, at the Nippon Budokan in Tokyo, as a celebration for the grand opening of their official Japanese Homepage, which was launched on April 1, 2008. 12,000 tickets to the fanmeeting were all sold out in several days. The group released a compiled Japan single the following day, entitled "U/TWINS", which includes the Japanese version of "U" in the limited release, to complement the event. The single peaked at #4 on Japan's Oricon Daily Chart in its first day of release, and dropped down to only four places in its second. The single broke a new record for being the first Korean single to have made within top 10 on Japan's Oricon Weekly Chart. On August 2, 2008, Super Junior expanded their routes to Genting Highlands, Malaysia, being one of the top guest performers at the MTV Asia Awards 2008 along with other international performing artists such as OneRepublic and the Jabbawockeez. They are the third SM artist to win Favorite Artist Korea at the MTV Asia Awards after Kangta of H.O.T and BoA, and the second musical group to win the award after JTL in 2008.

Super Junior's third album, Sorry, Sorry, was released on March 12, 2009 with acclaimed reviews.The title single of the album, "Sorry, Sorry" was digitally released on March 9, 2009. In less than a week after preorders were announced, over 150,000 copies were pre-ordered. Sorry, Sorry was their first album to debut at #1 on the Hanteo Charts, and it sold over 29,000 copies the first day, defeating Seo Taiji's record of 25,000. Promotions for the album started March 13 with the performance of "Sorry, Sorry" and "Why I Like You" on Music Bank. Two weeks later, "Sorry, Sorry" became the number one song of the week on the same program. During the group's performance on music program Popular Songs on March 15, ratings went up to as high as 14%, the highest in recent years. From March to May, "Sorry, Sorry" collected a total of ten #1 awards with consecutive wins in Korea, having the single becoming a national and international success.[53][54] After only a month of release, the album became South Korea's best-selling album of 2009. Sorry, Sorry was also a critically and commercially successful hit in other Asian countries, opting the group to become the only overseas representative for the second time at Taiwan's annual Golden Melody Awards. "Sorry, Sorry" was also #1 for a record-breaking 33 weeks in Taiwan. Sorry, Sorry was a best-selling Korean-language album in Taiwan,[55] Thailand, China, and the Philippines, in which the latter listed the album to be the first K-pop album to reach #1 in music charts from the country.[56] Super Junior won three awards in the 1st MNET Asian Music Awards - Overseas Viewers Award, Mobile Popularity Award and CGV Popularity Award despite not attending. Super Junior's Sorry, Sorry won Daesang at the 2009 Golden Disk Awards.
2010-present: Bonamana
Main article: Bonamana

On May 6, 2010, the teaser for their fourth studio album, Bonamana, was released through SM Entertainment's YouTube page. The full music video of the lead single of the same name was released on May 12 and full album was released on May 13 in South Korea. The album was released by the group with only 10 members, without Han Geng who has terminated his contract with SM Entertainment, Kibum who is involved in acting career and Kang-in who had enlisted himself in to the Korean army.[57] Their fourth album had also broken a personal record for the group by having over 200,000 pre-orders. On May 14, Super Junior had their comeback stage on KBS Music Bank, performing title track "미인아 (Bonamana)" and "나쁜 여자 (Boom Boom)".

On May 17, 2010, music video for the song, "Victory Korea", which was used for the 2010 FIFA World Cup was released through SM Entertainment's YouTube page.

On June 28, 2010, Super Junior released their repackaged album with three new tracks - "No Other", "All My Heart", "A Short Journey" - and the remixed version of "Shake It Up!". "A Short Journey" was composed by Donghae and the lyrics were written by Eunhyuk. "All My Heart" was composed be Leeteuk and SJM member Henry. On July 2, 2010, Super Junior had their first live performance of "No Other" on Music Bank. The music video for "No Other" was released on July 7, 2010. According to Hanteo, the album has sold over 200,000 copies to date.

The group kicked off their third Asian tour, Super Show 3 on August 14 and 15, 2010 at the Olympic Gymnastics Arena in Seoul. The tour also made a stop in Qingdao on August 28, 2010, Beijing on October 23, 2010, and Nanjing on November 13, 2010.

On September 4, 2010, Super Junior took part in the SM Town Live '10 World Tour along with fellow SM labelmates at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. This marks the first time SM Town has performed outside of Asia. On September 23, 2010, Super Junior released their original soundtrack "Angel" for Haru: An Unforgettable Day in Korea, an omnibus drama that promotes Korea's tourism.[citation needed]

On November 24, 2010, Avex Entertainment, as well as SM Entertainment Japan, released a statement about the renewal of contracts of SM artists signed to Avex.

Musical style

As a whole, Super Junior has released four studio albums and one physical single, including occasional contributions to drama soundtracks. They are acclaimed for their vocal harmonization and unison as each member contributes a different voice range in their music. Leeteuk, Heechul, Hangeng, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Ryeowook are all tenors. Yesung, Kangin and Siwon are baritones. Kyuhyun, Shindong and Kibum are basses. Some members are credited for their vocal belting techniques.

Super Junior works closely with Young Jin Yoo, who has produced and arranged most of the group's promotional singles since debut. Yoo's also known for creating the renowned SMP style, a genre that includes a balanced infusion of rock, R&B, and rap, with complementing musical elements such as the electric guitar, bass, and other different percussion instruments. Super Junior has prominently used this SMP style in Don't Don.

Super Junior has covered quite a few song in their albums. Their debut single "TWINS (Knock Out)" is a cover of Triple Eight's "Knockout," which was released in 2003. While the musical style is mostly maintained as the original, "TWINS (Knock Out)" touches closer to rap rock, with quicker rap and more emphasis on the bass. In most of their covers, the original titles are kept. Examples include Cape's "L.O.V.E" and Exile's "Believe." However, most of these covers are re-arranged to different accompaniments, such as H.O.T's "Full of Happiness".

Dance Style

Super Junior are known for doing performances that are heavily centered around their choreography, and are acclaimed for their highly synchronized dances. The group's pre-debut performance was a hip hop dance and they have also joined B-boy battles and performances throughout their career.

Their dance styles are widely termed as street dancing, with a majority of their choreography containing hip hop dance moves such as popping, waving, floating, and liquid dancing. Dances in the form of martial arts are widely used in their dance routines as Han Geng and Sungmin are professionally trained in that area. Shindong was the main choreographer for "U" and for a majority of the group's other dance sequences. The dance for "Sorry, Sorry" was choreographed by Nick Bass, who has also worked with Justin Timberlake. Eunhyuk choreographed the dance for "Boom Boom" and worked with the other members to create the dance choreography for "Don't Don" and "Marry U", both promotional singles for the group's second album.

April 19 accident

On April 19, 2007, Kyuhyun, who was sitting behind the driver's seat when the accident occurred, was severely injured with a fractured hip, pneumothorax from broken ribs, and deep scratches and bruises. Kyuhyun was slipping in and out of consciousness for the next few days after the accident occurred. Besides Kyuhyun, Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, Shindong, two of their managers were also in the accident. The accident occurred when they were commuting back to their apartment after Kiss the Radio (SuKiRa) in Kangta's van and not their own. Leeteuk had severe scratches on his back and face, and had to receive a total of 170 stitches. Kyuhyun was released later on July 5, 2007, but didn't fully recover until February 2008. The other two, Eunhyuk and Shindong, suffered only minor injuries.


Since debut, SM Entertainment has created four subgroups for Super Junior. Every member was put into different subgroups excluding Kibum, due to his busy acting schedule. The intentions of the subgroups were part of SM's strategy to not limit Super Junior's activities, and the goal was to show that the group could accommodate different musical genres. However, this strategy was later challenged by critics, as it has influenced an overwhelming amount of music groups to create official and unofficial subgroups alike. SM announced that Super Junior will form more subgroups in the future, and possible focuses of these subgroups include a variety of genres such as rock and hip hop. Previous Super Junior subgroups will also return to the industry along with appearances of new subgroups.

Super Junior-K.R.Y

Super Junior-K.R.Y, established in November 2006, is a trio formed by Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Yesung which makes up K.R.Y.in the title of the group. The company discovered that these three members developed a particular personal and subsequent fan-base that was separate from the rest of the group, and how they also had similar musical qualities. They therefore grouped these three members together to perform particular songs to target a more mature audience. Being amongst the most vocally powerful members of the group, Super Junior-K.R.Y are credited to singing mournful, R&B-style ballads, a style that has proven very popular in recent years although stagnation in the style's development is causing it to lose its once fresh evocative power.

Super Junior-K.R.Y's first official performance was on November 5, 2006 on KBS's Music Bank, performing "The One I Love (한 사람만을)."[76] They have participated in the original soundtrack of the tvN drama Hyena with a total of three tracks, including the main theme. The trio also contributed tracks in two additional original soundtracks, one track in both the soundtracks of Snow Flower and Billy Jean Look at Me. Unlike Super Junior's other sub-units, Super Junior-K.R.Y has not officially released a single or album, and only participated in collaboration albums and original soundtracks. However, a new album is expected from K.R.Y in the future.

On 1 August 2010, Super Junior-K.R.Y had a concert of their very own in Japan, with Donghae and Sungmin as guests.[citation needed]
Super Junior-T
Further information: Super Junior-Trot
Super Junior-M
Further information: Super Junior-M
Super Junior-Happy
Further information: Super Junior-Happy
Film and television career
Further information: Super Junior filmography


Prior to the group's debut, the members had individually appeared in television dramas, with Leeteuk being the first member of the group to act; he was an extra as a moviegoer for the drama All About Eve in 2000. Kang-in appeared as an extra for The Secret Lovers in 2002, and Siwon made a brief cameo appearance in Precious Family in 2004. Kibum had his acting debut in 2004 as young Han Jung-woo in April Kiss and in 2005, he was given the main role Joo Yeo-myung for the year-long drama Sharp 2, starring alongside Go Ara and Heechul. A few months before Super Junior's debut, Siwon starred as the young Kang Bong-man in Eighteen, Twenty-Nine; Heechul was given a role as a junior chef in Loveholic, and Sungmin starred as young Kang Dong-shin in morning drama Sisters of the Sea. After the group's debut in November 2005, both Heechul and Kibum acted in the sixth season of the sitcom Nonstop from late 2005 to early 2006. Kibum individually starred in Marrying a Millionaire as young Kim Young-hoon in 2005 and in March 2006, Heechul starred as Gong Min in Bad Family. That same year, Siwon was part of the supporting cast for Spring Waltz and Kibum starred as Ha Yeongchan in Snow Flower. In 2007, Heechul starred as Kim Young-soo in the popular drama Golden Bride, which ended its broadcast in February 2008 after the extension of 14 episodes. Siwon starred as the ambitious Lee Mong-ryong in the two-episode parody historical drama Legend of Hyang Dan, he also starred as the main character in Oh! My Lady! and Kang-in made a cameo appearance in Billie Jean, Look At Me. The song "It's Just That", sung by Super Junior-K.R.Y, was used as the drama's theme song. In 2008, Kibum starred in the sitcom Chunja's Happy Events as Park Jung-woo, and Kang-in had his first major television role in Romance Zero as Na Ho-tae in 2009. In August 2009, Heechul played the piano for Lee Chul for Loving You a Thousand Time.

Siwon was among the first of Super Junior to have participated in silver-screen productions, appearing in the Hong Kong historical action drama film, A Battle of Wits as the supporting role of Prince Liang in 2006. In 2007, Heechul, Kang-in, and Shindong lent their voices to the three chipmunks in the Korean release of Alvin and the Chipmunks. In 2008, Kang-in had a major role in the Korean-language film, Hello Schoolgirl.

As a group, Super Junior starred in Super Junior Mini-Drama, a television program hosted by the group that was released in late 2006. The group wrote, produced, and acted in the separate half-hour mini dramas. The subject matters of the dramas were chosen from viewers. In 2008, Leeteuk and Sungmin starred in the one-episode drama act Super Junior Unbelievable Story. Both Leeteuk and Sungmin starred as themselves as a member of Super Junior-T.

Reality shows

Despite numerous appearances as television actors, Super Junior are still best known for their reality shows, having participated in popular reality comedies.

    * 2005: Super Junior Super Show
    * 2006: Mystery 6
    * 2006: Super Adonis Camp
    * 2006: Super Junior Full House

        Super Junior starred in their own reality show called Super Junior Full House which was about two transfer students who will be boarding with half of the members of Super Junior, specifically in the dorm where in Heechul, Kangin, Kibum, Siwon, Hangeng and Donghae are staying in. The two transfer students were model Eva and her friend Anya.

        The show ran for about 13 episodes and it's running time was only for 25 minutes. It was aired from May 27, 2006 until August 26, 2006. The home stay only lasted for a month prior to its original plan and with the show it presented comedic experiences by Super Junior and the two international female students showing their deep friendship and funny attitudes and or personalities.

    * 2006: Reality Survival Drama
    * 2007: MNET Super Summer
    * 2007: Explorers of the Human Body

        A reality learning show, emceed by Shin Dong Yup and, on several episodes, chosen Super Junior members. It ran for 13 40-minute episodes from November 11, 2007 to February 3, 2008. The show focused on the members and Shin Dong Yup performing experiments on various subjects, such as the sense of taste and the origin of tears. The youngest member, Kyuhyun, was not present until the seventh episode due to the accident.

    * 2008: Unbelievable Outing Season 3
    * 2008: Idol Show
    * 2009: Human Network Super Junior's Miracle
    * 2010: Super Junior's Foresight


The Super Junior members were one of the first Korean idols to begin television presenting and radio hosting. Heechul was the first in the group to be a selected MC for the music programs Popular Songs and Show Music Tank. He was also the first in the group to host radio shows, and co-hosted Youngstreet Radio Show with ex-M.I.L.K. member Park Heebon in early 2005. Heechul has also been the MC for the Dream Concert since 2008. Eeteuk, Kang-in, and Shindong made their MC debut on Mnet's music program M! Countdown five days after Super Junior's debut performance. In August 2006, both Leeteuk and Eunhyuk founded their own radio show, Super Junior Kiss the Radio, which has become one of the more tuned-in radio channels in the country.

The group also founded their own reality television program, and on November 11, 2007, the premiere of Explorers of the Human Body aired on SBS. The humorous show introduced the thirteen members as regular guests for the program, answering curious questions and doing demonstrations involving the human body. Kyuhyun, who was recovering from a car accident during the first half of the show's filming, joined the show in the later episodes. The show has been the highest rating program of the reality line-up every Sunday, but due to Super Junior's tight schedule, the program ended quickly with thirteen episodes on February 3, 2008. The popularity of the program had inspired producers to create a second season, although no announcements of producing the next season has been announced.

Attack on the Pin-Up Boys
Main article: Attack on the Pin-Up Boys

Twelve members, excluding Kyuhyun, appeared in the group's debut film Attack on the Pin-Up Boys. The first film released by SM Pictures, it premiered on July 26, 2007 in Korea. "Wonder Boy", performed by Super Junior, is used as the theme song of the film. Although the film was promoted as a typical high school comedy, the movie gained positive reviews from critics, praising that the movie had a well-oriented plot unlike most idol films. However, ticket sales remained low in the premiere month despite its unexpected success in the sales the first week. The film was a box-office bomb, failing to attract more than 102,600 admissions and was proven to be a big loss for SM Pictures. However, both versions of the film's DVD became a best-selling record and were sold-out in both Korea and oversea markets, which was more than enough to make up for the production loss of 8.5 billion won.


Super Junior members first began endorsing for various fashion lines in early 2006, notably for Ivy Club (2006–2007) and Spris (2006–2007). With their high popularity in Thailand, Siwon was contracted to be the main endorser for 12 Plus and began endorsing its products since 2007 with interchangeable Super Junior members. The group are also known for their string of humorous commercials for Thailand's Yamaha Fino along with several other Thai entertainers, notably Golf & Mike. Super Junior were also appointed as the Goodwill ambassadors for the 2008 Korea and Thailand 50th Anniversary, honoring the good relationship Korea has held with Thailand for the past fifty years. Most recently in 2009, Super Junior have filmed CFs for brands such as Kyochon Chicken, Star Snacks and Happy Bubble. They also endorse a clothing line called SPAO with fellow SM Towners, Girls' Generation. Members of sub-group Super Junior-M also endorses Chinese clothing line Semir, reflecting their huge popularity in the Chinese region.

Influence and impact

During the course of Super Junior's career, several pop groups were formed with similarly extraordinary numbers of members. JYP Entertainment recruited thirteen boys to be in a boy band, who were all revealed in the show, Hot Blood Men. Of these thirteen, eleven were split into two groups that debuted at different times: 2AM, which has four members, and 2PM, which has seven. Together, the two groups form the eleven-member boy band One Day. Ast'1, a boy band under DSP Entertainment, released a promotional video in March 2008. In the short preview the boy band expressed that they would "Knock Down Super Junior", which resulted in a lot of criticism lashed into the group. However, they clarified that they had no means to create conflict, and explained the reason why they want to defeat Super Junior is because they see Super Junior as their answer of success.

Ever Lasting Friends (commonly referred to as E.L.F) is the name of Super Junior's official fan base, with pearl sapphire blue as their official color. Although concrete statistic have not been conducted to count the number of fans, it has been observed that the group has a huge number of fans not just in Asian countries but also in other countries of the world.

Awards and nominations
Main article: List of awards and nominations received by Super Junior

Expansion to China
For more details on this topic, see Super Junior-M.

After the subgroups Super Junior-K.R.Y. and Super Junior-T, on October 2, 2007, SM Entertainment announced the birth of another Super Junior sub-unit project that would begin activities in China starting 2008. Zhou Mi and SM Entertainment's new Chinese-Canadian trainee Henry Lau, who was also featured in the music video of "Don't Don", were also members of the subgroup.

The announcement brought in a huge wave of dissatisfaction and opposition from fans of Super Junior after the announcement of two new members. Initially, fans were planning to boycott the company's products, however, most fans agreed on a silent protest instead. Thousands of fans from Super Junior's official fanclub E.L.F. silently sat in front of the SM building and held signs that supported the group to have only thirteen members.

After more rumors regarding adding a Chinese member to the subgroup, the fans decided to gain a legal representation as part of SM Entertainment's stockholders. As of March 20, 2008, Super Junior fans purchased 58,206 stocks of SM Entertainment, holding 0.3% of the company's entire stock. They released a statement that they will obtain all chances to prevent SM Entertainment from adding new members and to keep Super Junior as only thirteen.

Conflict with MBC
For more details on this topic, see Kang-in.

A time-slot dispute occurred between SM Entertainment and MBC when SM insisted to have Kang-in stay on SBS's Explorers of the Human Body instead of MBC's Sunday Night Dong-An Club (동안클럽) where Kang-in has been a regular host. MBC temporarily banned the rest of Super Junior from appearing in any future performances and shows hosted by MBC.[93] Kang-in also lost his MC jobs to T.O.P. of Big Bang for the music show, Show! Music Core and also two more variety shows, which both soon canceled after Kang-in left due to low ratings. MBC demanded an apology from SM Entertainment in order for Super Junior to appear on shows hosted by the channel again. However, MBC concluded that Super Junior's ban was never official, but just a decision for shows' producers to decide.
[edit] Han Geng's lawsuit
For more details on this topic, see Han Geng.

On December 21, 2009, one of the members, Han Geng, filed for contract termination with SM Entertainment, label company of the group. The following day, Han Geng's lawyer stated the claimed reasons behind the action: provisions were in SM Entertainment's favour, unlawful 13-year contract length, unfair sum of money to end the contract, not allowed to request to revise his contract, forced to do things that were not in his contract, forced to do things against his will, fined if he disobeyed the company, missed any events or even was late, and there was uneven profit distribution. Along with this, it was disclosed that because of SM Entertainment's refusal to give him a day off in over two years, he had developed gastritis and kidney disease.

Han Geng's current manager, Sun Le, also submitted a statement to the court of South Korea citing SM Entertainment's violation of Han Geng's rights. Sun Le's statement contended that: Han Geng was forced to wear a mask due to company's ill handling of the visa issue, company purposely discriminated against Han Geng and his family, company refused to cooperate or listen to any of Han Geng's suggestions, company purposely turned down individual activities for Han Geng (including Ariel Lin's "Fireflies" music video, which later starred two other Super Junior members) and that the company treated Han Geng's potential endorsers poorly.

On December 21, 2010, the Seoul Central District Court ruled in favor of the Han Geng. The court stated, “All three contracts – from the January 2003 contract, the altered contract from February 2007, and the affiliated contract from December 2007 – do not exist.” An representative of SM Entertainment said that they will file an immediate appeal to reverse the decision.

Conflict during Expo 2010

On May 26, 2010, organized by South Korea Pavilion of Expo 2010, many Korean pop stars including Super Junior were invited to the "South Korean classical and pop concert" which was planned to be launched at Expo Cultural Centre on May 30. As the tickets were not for sale to the public, visitors who want to enjoy the show could only exchange the ticket via expo ticket in the west door of the Expo Cultural Centre on May 30. The total ticket number is 5000, while 2500 of which would be assigned to Korea visitors for free which caused the actual available number to be 2500. Super Junior fans collected in the entry of the Expo Cultural Centre, and the strong emotion led to the occurrence of violence, resulting in casualties. A local armed police said that this is his first time to see such a “crazy” situation in Expo 2010 since the Expo park was opened.